Working together to stop scams at source
Danske Bank joins Stop Scams UK
Read more: Danske Bank joins Stop Scams UKDanske Bank has become the latest company to sign up with Stop Scams UK
What we do
Stop Scams UK is a membership organisation of responsible businesses from across banking, technology and telecoms.
Our purpose is to facilitate cross-sector collaboration between firms in those sectors most affected by scams. Many businesses find collaboration difficult. Regulation and legal considerations encourage competition within and between the sectors. Privacy and data security considerations can also raise challenges for collaborations across sectors
Our work programme is shaped, informed and driven by our members – businesses who want to do more and move fast. We provide the resource, leadership, and trusted space for our members to share problems, identify opportunities, overcome blockers, pilot and deliver replicable, scalable projects.
By bringing the right people together and make the right connections, we encourage a holistic system-wide understanding of problems, creating the space for new solutions to scams to emerge and providing the resource for them to be realised.